Do not have space to place your medals, awards, belts, boxing gloves or collection of F1 Tickets on the shelf, table or drawers? Frame them! These items are worth to be framed as a remembrance.
Most of the items above we can combine and place them in one frame. We can have a medal with a photo of you and even the jersey you wear to the event – all in one! Who is to say it is too much? What better way to bunch them and put them up on the wall.
Typically for medals and sports item, they are framed in a box-style. To create the in-set feel while admiring your achievements. Framing them in a box-style gives “display in a museum” look whereby everyone can look at it closely but the item is well-protected.
Conservation framing is the use of techniques and materials in the framing process to protect, minimize, or stop the degrading effects of the environmental influences, i.e. sunlight, heat, humidity, and gravity, that constantly attack your framed piece.
Acidic materials create big problems for works of arts, causing foxing and deterioration. Therefore, we use 100% cotton matboards that are acid free, pH-buffered, pH-neutral, chlorine free and contain no lignin for maximize protection of your artwork.
To work against the harm caused by UV rays, we carry a range of glazing options with UV protection that protects your artworks against fading of colors. Furthermore, these glazing are anti-reflective for better visibility on your artwork.
Below are the glazing options for your selection:
To learn more about conservation framing, click here.
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